Etikett: firefox (Sida 3 av 3)

Disabla det nya d?liga tabb-beteendet i Firefox 2

N?r man i nya Firefox ?ppnar m?nga tabbar, s? m?nga att att dom inte ryms s? m?ste man scrolla sidledes f?r att se alla…  Jobbigt, tidigare krympte tabbarna s? att man s?g alla hela tiden…

S? h?r f?r du tillbaks det gamla fina

  1. ?ppna en ny tab.
  2. Skriv ”about:config” i adressraden. 
  3. Skriv ”tab” i filterraden.
  4. ?ndra b?de ”” och ”” till 5.
  5. Starta om Firefox.

Internet Explorer 7.0

L?ste p? Slashdot ang?ende Internet Explorer 7.0

”Last week, Windows columnist Paul Thurrott ripped into Microsoft for ignoring CSS standards with its upcoming Internet Explorer 7.0. ”Microsoft has set back Web development by an immeasurable amount of time. My advice is simple: Boycott IE. It’s a cancer on the Web that must be stopped. IE isn’t secure and isn’t standards-compliant, which makes it unworkable both for end users and Web content creators.” With the redesign of my own site last month, I discovered just how non-compliant IE is with basic CSS: IE 52% vs. Firefox 93%. Is Microsoft purely incompetent and tone-deaf to customers — or simply counting on IE’s non-compliance remaining a de-facto standard?”

Cool skypeversion

Hittade en version av Skype som ?r specialgjord f?r mitt USB minne. Minnet k?r med en teknik som heter U3, ( s? nu n?r jag stoppar in mitt USB minne i valfri dator startar skype med min anv?ndare.. jag kan ha med min skypeinstallation ?ver allt, sk?nt att slippa flera anv?ndare.

Det finns tydligen liknande firefox & thunderbird versioner.. ska testa och se om det rockar..

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