Etikett: ext3

Mounta en ext3 disk under Windows – uppdatering

I ett gammalt inl?gg skrev jag hur man kommer ?t linux partitioner fr?n windows. ( Det fungerar lysande under ?ldre windows versioner men nu n?r windows 7 har landat s? verkar det vara lite kr?ngligare. Efter lite googlingar och klurande s? har jag kommit fram till detta, r?tta mig g?rna om jag har fel d? jag inte sj?lv har en windows 7 att testa med.

Se till att k?ra programmet under kompabilitetsl?ge, det verkar hj?lpa.

I’m using Windows 7, and I wasn’t able to run FS-driver because the program gave me an error about compatibility. I emailed the author and he told me (within a few hours) that people should run the program in compatibility mode for Windows Vista. Sounds like this would be a good way.

I had already done it another way by the time he’d emailed me. What I did was use ext2-fsd, and seems to have worked fine. The only problem I had was that I got the dreaded BSoD on the first reboot — but only once. Rebooted a few more times with no blue screen.

Confirm ext2-fsd to work somewhat with Win7.

Mounta en ext3 disk under Windows

Hittade ett trevligt program som l?ter dig mounta en linuxpartition i windows. Det passar t.ex. v?ldigt bra om du dualbootar ditt system och n?r du ?r i windows beh?ver komma ?t data p? linux-partitionen. Klarar att l?sa och skriva p? ext2/ext3 utan problem! (Jag har testat)

Du hittar programmet h?r: Ext2 Installable File System For Windows

Uppdaterat med tips f?r windows 7 anv?ndare:…ws-uppdatering

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