Undrar hur v?l det h?r fungerar? Hittade ett par olika byggen 1 2 3 4. Om man stoppar in det mellan routern och utsidan/kabelmodemet… Hohum.. kanske f?r testa n?gon g?ng. N?gon som har n?gra tankar?
Etikett: säkerhet (Sida 4 av 4)
Hittade en bra howto på SSH tunnlar
So in our example, we want to connect from a->b and then a connection will be made on our behalf, from b->c. So how does this manifest itself in reality. Let’s look at a typical ssh command line, which would be run on a.local, to achieve what we have described.
ssh -nNL 4800:c.mailserver:110 b.sshserver -l sshuser